cgca_m3clvg/cgca_clvgn_pure [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3clvg ] [ Subroutines ]




pure subroutine cgca_clvgn_pure( this_image, grain, r, tcrit, flag, n, cstate,  &
  ierr )


!    r - rotation array with extents (number of grains, 3, 3)

real( kind=rdef ), intent(in) :: this_image(3,3), r(:,:,:), tcrit(3)
integer( kind=iarr), intent(in) :: grain


logical( kind=ldef ), intent(out) :: flag
real( kind=rdef ), intent(out) :: n(3)
integer( kind=iarr ), intent(out) :: cstate
integer, intent(out) :: ierr


None, this is a PURE subroutine.


Given the stress tensor in the spatial CS, (t) and the crystal rotation tensor (r), this routine first calculates whether cleavage happens or not (flag). If cleavage conditions are met (flag=.true.), then the routine calculates the acting cleavage plane normal in spatial coord. system (n) and the type of the cleavage plane (cstate).



On output, if flag=.false. then n=0, cstate=cgca_instact_state


This is a PURE subroutine, no side effects. It should be used instead of cgca_clvgn where a pure subroutine is required, e.g. from a do concurrent.


Not accessible from outside of the cgca_clvg module




cgca_clvgsd, cgca_clvgsp


! unit vectors defining 3 cleavage plane families
real( kind=rdef ), parameter ::                & 
 n100(3) = (/ one,      zero,     zero     /), &
 n110(3) = (/ onesqrt2, onesqrt2, zero     /), &
 n111(3) = (/ onesqrt3, onesqrt3, onesqrt3 /)

integer( kind=iarr ) :: i
integer :: iflag

real( kind=rdef ) :: &
 rlocal(3,3), & ! array to store r(grain,:,:), just a convenience
 tc(3,3),     & ! stress tensor in crystal CS
 rsym(3,3),   & ! rotation symmetry tensor
 n100rot(3),  & ! normal to a 100 plane
 n110rot(3),  & ! normal to a 110 plane
 n111rot(3),  & ! normal to a 111 plane
 ttmp(3),     & ! normal stress to a crystallographic plane
 tmax(3),     & ! max normal stress to a crystallographic plane
 n100max(3),  & ! normal to the 100 plane that has max normal stress
 n110max(3),  & ! normal to the 110 plane that has max normal stress
 n111max(3),  & ! normal to the 111 plane that has max normal stress
 p(3),        & ! cleavage stress ratios
 pmax           ! max cleavage stress ratio

! Set rlocal
rlocal = r( grain, :, : )

! Set important values to zero, and initialise the default
! values for outputs
n100max = zero
n110max = zero
n111max = zero
   flag = .false.
      n = zero
 cstate = cgca_intact_state
   tmax = zero
   ierr = 0

! stress tensor in crystal CS
! By our convention, r rotates a vector from the cryst.
! coord. system to spatial. Here we rotate the other
! way round, from spatial to crystal system, hence the
! transpose: ! tc = r^T . t . r
tc = matmul( matmul( transpose( rlocal ), this_image ), rlocal )

! Find the max normal stresses to three cleavage plane families.
do i = 1, 24

  ! Pick a rotation tensor. If iflag .ne. 0, then an error
  ! condition has occurred. Then abandon the computation, set
  ! flag accordingly and return immediately.
  call cgca_csym_pure( i, rsym, iflag )
  if ( iflag .ne. 0 ) then
    ierr = iflag
  end if

  ! normals to partucular {100}, {110}, {111} planes
  n100rot = matmul( rsym, n100 )
  n110rot = matmul( rsym, n110 )
  n111rot = matmul( rsym, n111 )

  ! Projections of the stress tensor to normals, i.e.
  ! the normal stresses to crystallographic planes. 
  ! (tc . n) . n
  ttmp(1) = dot_product( n100rot, matmul( tc, n100rot) )
  ttmp(2) = dot_product( n110rot, matmul( tc, n110rot) )
  ttmp(3) = dot_product( n111rot, matmul( tc, n111rot) )

  ! Choose the plane of each type, that has the max normal stress
  ! Signs are taken into account. Since tmax is zero initially,
  ! negative stresses are less than tmax, and thus do not cause
  ! cleavage.

  if ( ttmp(1) .gt. tmax(1) ) then   ! 100 plane
    tmax(1) = ttmp(1)                ! stress
    n100max = n100rot                ! normal to a particular 100 plane
  end if
  if ( ttmp(2) .gt. tmax(2) ) then   ! 110 plane
    tmax(2) = ttmp(2)                ! stress
    n110max = n110rot                ! normal to a particular 110 plane
  end if
  if ( ttmp(3) .gt. tmax(3) ) then   ! 111 plane
    tmax(3) = ttmp(3)                ! stress
    n111max = n111rot                ! normal to a particular 111 plane
  end if

end do

! calculate the cleavage factors (ratios)
p = tmax / tcrit
pmax = maxval(p)

! check for cleavage
if ( pmax .ge. one ) then

  ! cleavage is happening, on 100 by default
    flag = .true.
       n = n100max
  cstate = cgca_clvg_state_100_edge 

  if ( p(2) .gt. p(1) ) then
    ! cleavage on 110
         n = n110max
    cstate = cgca_clvg_state_110_edge 
  end if
  if ( p(3) .gt. p(1) .and. p(3) .gt. p(2) ) then
    ! cleavage on 111
         n = n111max
    cstate = cgca_clvg_state_111_edge 
  end if

  ! rotate n back into the spatial coord. system
  n = matmul( rlocal, n ) 

end if

end subroutine cgca_clvgn_pure

cgca_m3clvg/cgca_clvgsdt [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3clvg ] [ Subroutines ]




pure subroutine cgca_clvgsdt( farr, marr, n, cstate, debug, newstate )


integer, parameter :: l=-1, centre=l+1, u=centre+1
real( kind=rdef ), parameter :: trshld = 0.17325932611400130485_rdef


integer( kind=iarr ), intent(in) :: farr(l:u,l:u,l:u), &
 marr(l:u,l:u,l:u), cstate
real(    kind=rdef ), intent(in) :: n(3)
logical( kind=ldef ), intent(in) :: debug


integer( kind=iarr ), intent(out) :: newstate


This routine determines the cleavage (CLVG) state (S) of the central cell. This is a deterministic (D) routine. Hence the name is CLVGSD. If there is a cleaved neighbour, such that the vector connecting it to the central cell is on or close to the cleavage plane, then the central cell state is changed to the given cleavage state.

If the cleaved neighbour belongs to another grain, the analysis takes into account the grain boundary state. If the grain boundary is marked as intact, then the crack can cross it, and the central cell takes the values of the cleaved neighbour. If the grain boundary is marked as fractured, then the crack cannot cross it. This means that even if there is a cleaved neighbour on the cleavage plane, the central cell will still not change state.

If the grain boudary is intact, and crack crosses it, mark this GB as fractured immediately in the local CG array and add this GB fracture to gcupd on this image.




The threshold analysis is explained in A. Shterenlikht, L. Margetts, Three-dimensional cellular automata modelling of cleavage propagation across crystal boundaries in polycrystalline microstructures, Proc. Roy. Soc. A 471:20150039, . There are always at least 2 neighbouring cells for which dot_product(e,n) is less than ~0.1732. However, 2 cells is not enough! If threshold is left at that, 2 cells lead to linear 1D cracks, which are not reasonable.


cgca_gcr, cgca_gcf




integer( kind=idef ) :: &
 x1, x2, x3,            & ! coordinates within (3,3,3) neighbourhood
 img,                   & ! this_image()
 nimgs                    ! num_images()

integer :: iflag

logical :: intact

  img = this_image()
nimgs = num_images()

! initially the new central cell state is the same as old
newstate = farr( centre, centre, centre )

! scan all neighbourhood cells
outer: do x3 = l, u
       do x2 = l, u
       do x1 = l, u

  ! Check whether the neighbour has cleaved. The central cell is never
  ! cleaved, so the check will always fail for the central cell.
  clv: if ( any( cgca_clvg_states .eq. farr(x1,x2,x3)) ) then

    ! If the neighbour is from the same grain, then just check the
    ! orientation of the cleavage plane
    same: if ( marr(centre,centre,centre) .eq. marr(x1,x2,x3) ) then

      ! debug
      !  if (debug) then
      !   call cgca_gcr(1,2, intact)
      !   if (.not. intact) write (*,"(2(a,i0),a,3(tr1,f7.4),a,f7.4)") &
      !    "zzz: grain=",marr(centre,centre,centre), &
      !    ", cstate=", cstate, &
      !    ", n=(", n, ") ", &
      !    abs(dot_product(e(:,x1,x2,x3),n))
      !  end if

      ! If the dot product is smaller than the threshold, i.e. if
      ! the vector connecting the central cell with the neighbour
      ! is in the cleavage plane, then the central cell has cleaved
      if ( abs( dot_product( e(:,x1,x2,x3), n ) ) .lt. trshld ) then
        newstate = cstate  ! change its state
        exit outer         ! and exit the main loop
      end if


      ! The neighbour is from a different grain. In this case
      ! the boundary must be intact in addition to the cleavage
      ! plane orientation criterion.
      intact = .false.

      ! Get the recorded state of the boundary between the two grains.
      ! cgca_gcr_pure returns .TRUE. if the boundary is intact
      ! and .FALSE. if the boundary is fractured. If iflag .ne. 0,
      ! then some error condition occurred, potentially fatal.
      ! However, to keep this routine PURE, we cannot abort here,
      ! so not sure what I can do with iflag, perhaps combine it
      ! somehow with the success flag of this subroutine?
      call cgca_gcr_pure( marr(centre,centre,centre), marr(x1,x2,x3),  &
                          intact, iflag )

      ! same as in the previous case, but with the added constraint
      ! that the grain boundary must be intact
      crossgb: if ( intact .and.                                       &
           abs( dot_product( e(:,x1,x2,x3), n ) ) .lt. trshld ) then

        ! change its state
        newstate = cstate

        ! Mark GB as fractured on this image
        ! The return diagnostic iflag is ignored for now.
        call cgca_gcf_pure( marr(centre, centre, centre),              &
          marr(x1, x2, x3), iflag )

        ! Add the (grain, neighbour) pair to gcupd coarray
        ! on this image
        gcupd( gcucnt, : ) = (/ marr( centre , centre , centre ) , &
                                marr(   x1   ,   x2   ,   x3   ) ,     &
                                cgca_gb_state_fractured /)

        ! debug output, not allowed in a pure procedure
!        if (debug)                                                     &
!          write (*,"(4(a,i0),2(tr1,i0),')',a,27(i0,tr1),').')")        &
!            "DEBUG: cgca_clvgsd: img: ", img, ": newstate=", newstate, & 
!            ", gcucnt=", gcucnt,                                       &
!            ", calling cgca_gcf, gcupd=(", gcupd( gcucnt , : ),&
!            ", marr=(", marr

        ! increment the gcupd pair counter
        gcucnt = gcucnt + 1

        ! IO not allowed in a pure procedure, so just terminate without
        ! issuing the error.
        ! Issue fatal error if the length of the gcupd has been
        ! exceeded.
        if ( gcucnt .gt. cgca_gcupd_size1 ) then
!          write( *, '(a,i0)' ) "ERROR: cgca_m3clvg/cgca_clvgsd:&
!            & gcucnt .gt. cgca_gcupd_size1, , img
          error stop
        end if

        ! now exit the main loop
        exit outer

      end if crossgb

    end if same

 end if clv

 ! now check another neighbouring cell, i.e. increment the loop counter

end do
end do
end do outer

end subroutine cgca_clvgsdt

cgca_m3clvg/cgca_clvgspt [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3clvg ] [ Subroutines ]




pure subroutine cgca_clvgspt( farr, marr, n, cstate, debug, newstate )


integer,parameter :: l=-1, centre=l+1, u=centre+1
real(kind=rdef),parameter ::            &
 ltrshld = 0.17325932611400130485_rdef, & ! see cgca_clvgpd
 utrshld = 0.27_rdef, interval = utrshld-ltrshld


integer(kind=iarr),intent(in) :: farr(l:u,l:u,l:u), &
 marr(l:u,l:u,l:u), cstate
real(kind=rdef),intent(in) :: n(3)
logical(kind=ldef),intent(in) :: debug


integer(kind=iarr),intent(out) :: newstate


This routine determines the cleavage (CLVG) state (S) of the central cell. This is a probabilistic (P) routine. Hence the name is CLVGSP. If there is a cleaved neighbour, such that the vector connecting it to the central cell is on or close to the cleavage plane, then the central cell has a probability of changing state to the given cleavage state.

If the cleaved neighbour belongs to another grain, the analysis takes into account the grain boundary state. If the grain boundary is marked as intact, then the crack can cross it, and the central cell takes the values of the cleaved neighbour. If the grain boundary is marked as fractured, then the crack cannot cross it. This means that even if there is a cleaved neighbour on the cleavage plane, the central cell will still not change state.




This routine has two thresholds, the upper and the lower.


cgca_gcr, cgca_gcf



integer(kind=idef) :: x1,x2,x3
real(kind=rdef) :: rnd, proj, prob

logical :: intact

! initially the new central cell state is the same as old
newstate = farr(centre,centre,centre)

! scan all neighbourhood cells
outer: do x3=l,u
do x2=l,u
do x1=l,u

 ! Check whether the neighbour has cleaved. The central cell is never
 ! cleaved, so the check will always fail for the central cell.
 clv: if ( any( cgca_clvg_states .eq. farr(x1,x2,x3)) ) then

  proj = abs(dot_product(e(:,x1,x2,x3),n))

  same: if ( marr(centre,centre,centre) .eq. marr(x1,x2,x3) ) then
   ! The neighbour is from the same grain.
   ! If the central cell is close to the cleavage plane,
   ! change its state. This is a deterministic check for the
   ! lower threshold. If the central cell is further from the
   ! cleavage plane, but not too far, it has some probability
   ! to cleave. This is a probabilistic check for upper threshold.
   z1: if ( proj .lt. ltrshld ) then
    newstate = cstate
    exit outer
   else if ( proj .lt. utrshld ) then
    ! The power must be .ge. 1. If the power is 1,
    ! then the probability is a linear function of proj.
    ! If the power is > 1 then the probability is a power function.
    ! The higher the power, the steeper the descent.
    ! In other words, the higher the power, the lower the chances
    ! of cleavage for proj values greater than the lower threshold. 
    prob = ((utrshld-proj) / interval)**1
    call random_number(rnd)
    if ( prob .gt. rnd) newstate = cstate
    exit outer
   end if z1


   ! The neighbour is from another grain. As above, but the
   ! additional condition is that the grain boundary must be intact.
   intact = .false.
   call cgca_gcr(marr(centre,centre,centre), marr(x1,x2,x3), intact)
   inta: if ( intact ) then
    z2: if ( proj .lt. ltrshld ) then
     newstate = cstate

     ! Mark GB as fractured straight away
     call cgca_gcf( marr(centre,centre,centre), marr(x1,x2,x3) )

     ! debug output
     if (debug) write (*,"(2(a,i0),2(tr1,i0),').')")                   &
       "DEBUG: cgca_clvgsd: image ", this_image(),                     &
       ": called _gcf, set gcupd=(", gcupd

     exit outer
    else if ( proj .lt. utrshld ) then
     prob = ((utrshld-proj) / interval)**1
     call random_number(rnd)
     if ( prob .gt. rnd) then
      newstate = cstate
      ! Mark GB as fractured straight away
      call cgca_gcf( marr(centre,centre,centre), marr(x1,x2,x3) )
      ! debug output
      if (debug) write (*,"(2(a,i0),2(tr1,i0),').')")                  &
       "DEBUG: cgca_clvgsd: image ", this_image(),                     &
       ": called _gcf, set gcupd=(", gcupd
      exit outer
     end if
    end if z2
   end if inta

  end if same
 end if clv
end do
end do
end do outer

end subroutine cgca_clvgspt

cgca_m3clvg/cgca_dacf1t [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3clvg ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_dacf1t(coarray,debug)


integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable, intent(inout) ::                    &
logical( kind=ldef ), intent(in) :: debug


Changed state of coarray


Same as cgca_dacf, but no attention is paid to which grain a cell belongs to. So when we count the number of fractured neighbours, these can be from any grain. What this means is that, when a crack propagates from one grain to another, and the crack planes IN THE MODEL coinside, this routine will deactivate the fractured cells on the interface. This helps the grain boundary fracture analysis. Since there are no crack fronts at the boundary, there is no bondary to fracture! In other words, if a crack really slices from one grain to another with no deviation, then the grain boundary fracture does not happen, the two grain system in question is already fully separated into two different bodies.





integer,parameter :: lclvg_states = lbound(cgca_clvg_states,dim=1), &
 uclvg_states = ubound(cgca_clvg_states,dim=1),                     &
 l=-1, centre=l+1, u=centre+1

integer(kind=idef) :: &
  lbv(4) ,& ! lower bounds of the complete (plus virtual) coarray
  ubv(4) ,& ! upper bounds of the complete (plus virtual) coarray
  lbr(4) ,& ! lower bounds of the "real" coarray, lower virtual+1
  ubr(4) ,& ! upper bounds of the "real" coarray, upper virtual-1
  x1     ,& ! local coordinates in an array, which are also
  x2     ,& ! do loop counters
  x3        !
integer(kind=iarr),allocatable,save :: array(:,:,:)
integer(kind=iarr) :: neiarr(l:u,l:u,l:u)
integer :: thisimage, errstat=0, ncount, i
logical(kind=ldef) :: clvnei(l:u,l:u,l:u)

! get image number

! no sanity checks for speed

! determine the extents
lbv = lbound(coarray)
ubv = ubound(coarray)
lbr = lbv + 1
ubr = ubv - 1

! allocate the temp array

if ( .not. allocated( array ) )                                                &
 allocate( array( lbv(1):ubv(1), lbv(2):ubv(2), lbv(3):ubv(3) ), stat=errstat )
if ( then
  write (*,'(2(a,i0))') "****** ERROR: cgca_dacf1: image ",thisimage,          &
     ": cannot allocate array, error code ", errstat
  error stop
end if

! copy coarray state type 2, fracture states, to temp array
array = coarray(:,:,:,cgca_state_type_frac)

! loop over all cells
do x3 = lbr(3),ubr(3)
do x2 = lbr(2),ubr(2)
do x1 = lbr(1),ubr(1)

 ! analyse only crack edge cells
 cleav: if ( any (coarray(x1,x2,x3,cgca_state_type_frac) .eq.      &
          cgca_clvg_states_edge )) then

  ! Count the number of cleaved neighbours. Do not count the central
  ! cell, so set its state to some value that is not in the
  ! cgca_clvg_states. I use the intact state here.
  neiarr = coarray(x1-1:x1+1, x2-1:x2+1, x3-1:x3+1, cgca_state_type_frac)
  neiarr(centre,centre,centre) = cgca_intact_state

  ncount = 0
  do i=lclvg_states,uclvg_states
   clvnei = cgca_clvg_states(i) .eq. neiarr
   ncount = ncount + count(clvnei)

   ! debug
   if (debug) write (*,'(4(a,i0),a,27(tr1,l1),a,i0)')              &
    "DEBUG: cgca_dacf: image ", thisimage, ": i=", i,              &
    ", cgca_clvg_states(",i,")=", cgca_clvg_states(i),             &
    ", clvnei=", clvnei, ", ncount=", ncount

  end do

  ! if a cell has 5 cleaved neighbours or more,
  ! then mark it as crack flank. 
  nei: if ( ncount .ge. 5) then
   ! debug
   if (debug) write (*,'(3(a,i0),2(tr1,i0),a)')                    &
    "DEBUG: cgca_dacf1: image ", thisimage,                        &
    ": grain=", coarray(x1,x2,x3,cgca_state_type_grain),           &
    ", crack front cell x1,x2,x3=", x1, x2, x3, " deactivated."

   ! change the state preserving the cleavage plane family
   ! Note: we are reading from "coarray" but writing into the temp
   ! "array"
   if ( coarray(x1,x2,x3,cgca_state_type_frac) .eq.                &
         cgca_clvg_state_100_edge ) then
     array(x1,x2,x3) = cgca_clvg_state_100_flank
   else if ( coarray(x1,x2,x3,cgca_state_type_frac) .eq.           &
          cgca_clvg_state_110_edge ) then
     array(x1,x2,x3) = cgca_clvg_state_110_flank
     array(x1,x2,x3) = cgca_clvg_state_111_flank
   end if

  end if nei
 end if cleav
end do
end do
end do

! write array to coarray
coarray(:,:,:,cgca_state_type_frac) = array

! do not deallocate array. Let it exist until the program
! terminates.

end subroutine cgca_dacf1t

cgca_m3clvg/cgca_dacft [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3clvg ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_dacft( coarray , debug )


integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable,intent(inout) ::                     &
logical( kind=ldef ), intent(in) :: debug


Changed state of coarray


This routine DeActivates Crack Flanks, hence the name DACF. The idea is that we must distinguish crack edge cells, which can attract new cracked (cleaved) cells, and crack flanks, which are inactive, i.e. cells representing crack flanks have very low SIF (stress intensity factor), and maybe low stresses too. Crack flank cells cannot attract new cleaved cells. The cell states are defined in module cgca_m1co.

The distinction is made based on the number of cleaved neighbours. If there are too many cleaved neighbours, then the central cell is a crack flank.

The intention is that this routine is called after every cleavage propagation increment, to prevent cracks becoming large 3D bodies.

This routines runs only once over the coarray. So we don't put the sync here. But a sync all probably should be used before and after a call to this routine. Also, the halo exchange probably should be done after running this routine.

If debug=.true. then will dump *lots* of debug output





integer, parameter ::                                                  &
 lclvg_states = lbound( cgca_clvg_states , dim=1 ),                    &
 uclvg_states = ubound( cgca_clvg_states , dim=1 ),                    &
 l=-1, centre=l+1, u=centre+1

integer( kind=idef ) :: &
 lbv(4) ,& ! lower bounds of the complete (plus virtual) coarray
 ubv(4) ,& ! upper bounds of the complete (plus virtual) coarray
 lbr(4) ,& ! lower bounds of the "real" coarray, lower virtual+1
 ubr(4) ,& ! upper bounds of the "real" coarray, upper virtual-1
 x1     ,& ! local coordinates in an array, which are also
 x2     ,& ! do loop counters
integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable, save :: array(:,:,:)
integer( kind=iarr ) :: neiarr(l:u,l:u,l:u)
integer :: thisimage, errstat=0, ncount, i
logical( kind=ldef ) :: clvnei(l:u,l:u,l:u), &
 samegrain(l:u,l:u,l:u), csg(l:u,l:u,l:u)

! get image number
thisimage = this_image()

! no sanity checks for speed

! determine the extents
lbv = lbound(coarray)
ubv = ubound(coarray)
lbr = lbv+1
ubr = ubv-1

! allocate the temp array
if (.not. allocated(array)) allocate( &
  array(lbv(1):ubv(1), lbv(2):ubv(2), lbv(3):ubv(3)), stat=errstat)
if ( then
  write (*,'(a,i0)') "ERROR: cgca_dacf: image ",thisimage
  write (*,'(a)') "ERROR: cgca_dacf: cannot allocate array"
  error stop
end if

! copy coarray state type 2, fracture states, to temp array
array = coarray(:,:,:,cgca_state_type_frac)

! loop over all cells
do x3 = lbr(3), ubr(3)
do x2 = lbr(2), ubr(2)
do x1 = lbr(1), ubr(1)

 ! analyse only crack edge cells
 cleav: if ( any (coarray(x1,x2,x3,cgca_state_type_frac) .eq.        &
          cgca_clvg_states_edge )) then

   ! count the number of cleaved neighbours of the same grain
   neiarr = coarray( x1-1:x1+1, x2-1:x2+1, x3-1:x3+1,                &
                     cgca_state_type_frac )

   ! Do not count the central cell, so set its state to some
   ! value that is not in the cgca_clvg_states. I use the intact
   ! state here.
   neiarr(centre,centre,centre) = cgca_intact_state

   ! logical array: .true. if the values are identical,
   ! .false. otherwise. samegrain is a (3,3,3) neighbourhood
   ! array around the central cell in question.
   samegrain = coarray( x1, x2, x3, cgca_state_type_grain ) .eq.     &
               coarray( x1-1:x1+1, x2-1:x2+1, x3-1:x3+1,             &
                          cgca_state_type_grain )

   ! debug
   if (debug) write (*,'(a,i0,a,27(tr1,i0),a,27(tr1,l1))')           &
    "DEBUG: cgca_dacf: image ", thisimage, ": neiarr=", neiarr,      &
    ", samegrain=", samegrain

   ncount = 0

   ! for all cleavage states
   do i = lclvg_states, uclvg_states
     clvnei = cgca_clvg_states(i) .eq. neiarr
        csg = clvnei .and. samegrain
     ncount = ncount + count(csg)

     ! debug
     if (debug) write (*,'(4(a,i0),2(a,27(tr1,l1)),a,i0)')           &
       "DEBUG: cgca_dacf: image ", thisimage, ": i=", i,             &
       ", cgca_clvg_states(",i,")=", cgca_clvg_states(i),            &
       ", clvnei=", clvnei, ", csg=", csg, ", ncount=", ncount

   end do

   ! if a cell has 6 cleaved neighbours or more,
   ! then mark it as crack flank. 
   nei: if ( ncount .ge. 6) then
     ! debug
     if (debug) write (*,'(3(a,i0),2(tr1,i0),a)')                    &
       "DEBUG: cgca_dacf: image ", thisimage,                        &
       ": grain=", coarray(x1,x2,x3,cgca_state_type_grain),          &
       ", crack front cell x1,x2,x3=", x1, x2, x3, " deactivated."

     ! change the state preserving the cleavage plane family
     ! Note: we are reading from "coarray" but writing into
     ! the temp "array"
     if ( coarray( x1, x2 ,x3, cgca_state_type_frac ) .eq.           &
                      cgca_clvg_state_100_edge ) then
       array(x1,x2,x3) = cgca_clvg_state_100_flank
     else if ( coarray( x1, x2, x3, cgca_state_type_frac ) .eq.      &
                      cgca_clvg_state_110_edge ) then
       array(x1,x2,x3) = cgca_clvg_state_110_flank
       array(x1,x2,x3) = cgca_clvg_state_111_flank
     end if

   end if nei
 end if cleav
end do
end do
end do

! write array to coarray
coarray(:,:,:,cgca_state_type_frac) = array

! do not deallocate array. Let it exist until the program
! terminates.

end subroutine cgca_dacft

cgca_m3clvg/gcupd_alloct [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3clvg ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine gcupd_alloct


gcupd is (re)allocated.


This is a private routine, hence the name does not start with cgca_. This routine allocates gcupd array coarray. Therefore it involves implicit sync all. If gcupd is allocated already, it is first deallocated and then reallocated with new codimensions.




integer :: errstat = 0

! Deallocate if already allocated
if ( allocated( gcupd ) ) then
  deallocate( gcupd, stat=errstat )
  if ( errstat .ne. 0 ) then
    write (*,'(a,i0)') "ERROR: cgca_m3clvg/gcupd_alloc:&
     & deallocate( gcupd ), err. code:", errstat
    error stop
  end if
end if

! Allocate and set all values to cgca_gb_state_intact.
allocate( gcupd( cgca_gcupd_size1, cgca_gcupd_size2 )              &
  [ cgca_slcob(1):cgca_sucob(1), cgca_slcob(2):cgca_sucob(2),          &
    cgca_slcob(3):* ], source = cgca_gb_state_intact, stat=errstat )
if ( errstat .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,'(a,i0)') "ERROR: cgca_m3clvg/gcupd_alloc:&
     & allocate( gcupd ), err. code:", errstat
  error stop
end if

end subroutine gcupd_alloct

CGPACK/cgca_m3clvgt [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




!$Id: cgca_m3clvgt.f90 380 2017-03-22 11:03:09Z mexas $

module cgca_m3clvgt


Module containing only *thread safe* cleavage routines. In particular, all routines are PURE, designed to be usable from DO CONCURRENT. The module contains variables, submodules and subroutines.


Anton Shterenlikht




cgca_clvgpt (in submodule m3clvgt_sm1).


cgca_m1co, cgca_m2gb, cgca_m2hx, cgca_m2rot, cgca_m2rnd, cgca_m2glm




use cgca_m1co
use cgca_m2gb,  only: cgca_gcr_pure, cgca_gcf_pure
use cgca_m2glm, only: cgca_ico
use cgca_m2hx,  only: cgca_hxi, cgca_hxg
use cgca_m2rot, only: cgca_csym_pure
use cgca_m2rnd, only: cgca_irs

implicit none

public :: cgca_clvgpt

! This array is used to update local gc arrays.
! The components are as follows:
!  gcupd(:,1) - grain
!  gcupd(:,2) - neighbour
!  gcupd(:,3) - state, either cgca_gb_state_intact    or
!                             cgca_gb_state_fractured
! The idea is that this array is updated every time a grain
! boundary is crossed. Then all local arrays are updated using
! cgca_gcf and this coarray.

integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable :: gcupd(:,:) [:,:,:]

! Counter of a gcupd pair. Set to 1 initially.
integer( kind=idef ) :: gcucnt=1

real( kind=rdef ), parameter ::    &
     zero = 0.0_rdef,              &
      one = 1.0_rdef,              &
    sqrt2 = sqrt(2.0_rdef),        &
 onesqrt2 = one/sqrt2,             &
    sqrt3 = sqrt(3.0_rdef),        &
 onesqrt3 = one/sqrt3,             &

 ! 27 unit vectors connecting the central cell with all its
 ! 26 neighbours + itself, which is a zero vector.
 e(3, -1:1, -1:1, -1:1) =          &
   reshape( (/                     &
 -onesqrt3,-onesqrt3,-onesqrt3,    & ! -1 -1 -1
  zero,    -onesqrt2,-onesqrt2,    & !  0 -1 -1
  onesqrt3,-onesqrt3,-onesqrt3,    & !  1 -1 -1
 -onesqrt2, zero,    -onesqrt2,    & ! -1  0 -1 
  zero,     zero,    -one,         & !  0  0 -1
  onesqrt2, zero,    -onesqrt2,    & !  1  0 -1
 -onesqrt3, onesqrt3,-onesqrt3,    & ! -1  1 -1
  zero,     onesqrt2,-onesqrt2,    & !  0  1 -1
  onesqrt3, onesqrt3,-onesqrt3,    & !  1  1 -1
 -onesqrt2,-onesqrt2, zero,        & ! -1 -1  0
  zero,    -one,      zero,        & !  0 -1  0
  onesqrt2,-onesqrt2, zero,        & !  1 -1  0
 -one,      zero,     zero,        & ! -1  0  0
  zero,     zero,     zero,        & !  0  0  0
  one,      zero,     zero,        & !  1  0  0
 -onesqrt2, onesqrt2, zero,        & ! -1  1  0
  zero,     one,      zero,        & !  0  1  0
  onesqrt2, onesqrt2, zero,        & !  1  1  0
 -onesqrt3,-onesqrt3, onesqrt3,    & ! -1 -1  1
  zero,    -onesqrt2, onesqrt2,    & !  0 -1  1
  onesqrt3,-onesqrt3, onesqrt3,    & !  1 -1  1
 -onesqrt2, zero,     onesqrt2,    & ! -1  0  1
  zero,     zero,     one,         & !  0  0  1
  onesqrt2, zero,     onesqrt2,    & !  1  0  1
 -onesqrt3, onesqrt3, onesqrt3,    & ! -1  1  1
  zero,     onesqrt2, onesqrt2,    & !  0  1  1
  onesqrt3, onesqrt3, onesqrt3     & !  1  1  1
  /), (/ 3,3,3,3 /) )

! Abstract interface is a fortran 2003 feature.
! This interface is for *thread safe* cleavage "change state" routines.
! The interface for such routines - cgca_clvgsdt and
! cgca_clvgspt, must match it.
! Using this interface, the cleavage "change state"
! routines can be passed as actual arguments to the cleavage
! propagation routines, e.g. cgca_clvgpt, where
! the dummy arguments for these routines are defined by
!  procedure(cgca_clvgst_abstract)

abstract interface
 subroutine cgca_clvgst_abstract( farr, marr, n, cstate, debug,        &
   newstate )
  use cgca_m1co
  integer, parameter :: l=-1, centre=l+1, u=centre+1
  integer( kind=iarr ), intent(in) :: farr(l:u,l:u,l:u),               &
    marr(l:u,l:u,l:u), cstate
  real( kind=rdef ), intent(in) :: n(3)
  logical( kind=ldef ), intent(in) :: debug
  integer( kind=iarr ), intent(out) :: newstate
 end subroutine cgca_clvgst_abstract

 subroutine gcupd_abstract( periodicbc )
  import :: ldef
  logical( kind=ldef ), intent( in ) :: periodicbc
 end subroutine
end interface

! Interfaces for submodule procedures.


  ! In submodule m3clvgt_sm1
  module subroutine cgca_clvgpt( coarray, rt, this_image, scrit, sub, gcus,    &
      periodicbc, iter, heartbeat, debug )
    ! Inputs:
    ! coarray - cellular array
      integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable, intent(inout) ::              &
    ! rt - rotation tensor coarray
      real( kind=rdef ), allocatable, intent(inout) :: rt(:,:,:)[:,:,:]
    ! t - stress tensor in spatial CS
    ! - scrit - critical values of cleavage stress on 100,
    !   110 and 111 planes
    ! Clearly t and scrit must be in the same units!
      real( kind=rdef ), intent(in) :: this_image(3,3), scrit(3)
    ! sub - name of the cleavage state calculation routine,
    !   either cgca_clvgsd, or cgca_clvgsp.
      procedure( cgca_clvgst_abstract ) :: sub
    ! gcus - name of the grain connectivity update subroutine, either
    !        cgca_gcupda - all-to-all, or cgca_gcupdn - nearest
    ! neighbour.
      procedure( gcupd_abstract ) :: gcus
    ! periodicbc - if .true. periodic boundary conditions are used,
    !   i.e. global halo exchange is called before every iteration
      logical( kind=ldef ), intent(in) :: periodicbc
    !      iter - number of cleavage iterations, if <=0 then error
    ! heartbeat - if >0 then dump a simple message every
    !             heartbeat iterations
      integer( kind=idef ), intent(in) :: iter, heartbeat
    ! debug - if .true. then will call cgca_dacf with debug
      logical( kind=ldef ), intent(in) :: debug
  end subroutine cgca_clvgpt
end interface
